Kōrerorero #3

/ Blog + Insights / 9 Mar 2021 / Katie Hickmer

Korerorero Title

10 March 2021 

Welcome to our Q&A series Kōrerorero .. a forum to discuss and share insights, inspiration and advice from voices of founders and investors within the Kiwi start-up community.


Meet Byron of NZGCP

Byron Van Vugt joined NZGCP in February 2020 and is one of our Senior Investment Analysts.

Byron's passion that drives him in his role? 
Seeing advancements in technology that make a meaningful difference to humanity, and hopefully being a part of helping to drive further positive impact to NZ and the world.


My role at NZGCP ...

I’m responsible for the information gathering, preparation of documentation and assessments necessary for our Aspire fund to make well informed investment decisions. Plus, post investment company relationship management, new investment scouting, and keeping up to date with what’s happening in the NZ and Global innovation and investment ecosystems.


What I'm seeing in the tech start-up ecosystem that excites me for the future ...

The continued growth of “deep-tech” as a necessary element of a well-diversified portfolio, despite its long lead-times and significant capital requirements. The growing focus on solving the most fundamentally difficult problems within society through novel means is exciting for the shaping of the future state of our world.


Key things I look for before making an investment ...

I like to start with a focus on what has motivated the founder to solve a perceived issue, and how this aligns with both my morals and the likelihood of continued motivation to see commercial success.


My guilty pleasures in life ...

Undoubtedly, leaving the laptop at work and colloquially leaving the phone at home, to go and spend time in the outdoors. Some days that might be a bike ride around the city, others, sailing/skiing somewhere remote.


The biggest lesson I've learnt in life so far ...

That there’s a fine balance between caring about what others think, and following your gut. Neither is right 100% of the time, and ignoring what either have to say is never wise.


Join our Kōrerorero

Are you a founder of a Kiwi start-up, or a start-up investor, who's keen to share your insights as part of this series? We'd love to hear from you! 
Drop us an email at marketing@nzgcp.co.nz and let's chat.

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