There are a wide range of funding options for high-growth technology start-ups and companies in New Zealand. From incubators and grants, to Angel investment, venture capital, and private equity. Here are a few entities that may be able to help kick-start your funding journey, and if you're not sure what funding is best for you, HERE is an overview of the various types.
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Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust (AGMARDT) strategically invest in initiatives to encourage innovative thinking, research capability and collaboration and to develop emerging leaders in New Zealand’s primary sector
Callaghan Innovation: Career Grant
Career Grants are a way to add more resources to your R&D programme via Masters and PHD students. They provide the first six months’ salary to assist recent Masters and PhD graduates get their first job while they work on a research and development
Callaghan Innovation: New to R&D Grant
Expected to open in the fourth quarter of 2022. This is a new grant designed to help Kiwi businesses with the high costs and steep learning curve associated with getting started in R&D. Designed for businesses new to a R&D journey
Kiwi Innovation Network
KiwiNet is a collaboration of public research organisations that champions people who commercialise research by helping them to access the tools, connections, investment and support needed to create science and technology-based solutions
Ministry for the Environment: Plastics Innovation Fund
Support for projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment
MPI: Sustainable Food + Fibre Futures
SFF Futures supports problem-solving and innovation in New Zealand’s food and fibre sector by co-investing in initiatives that make a positive and lasting difference
Prospa small business grants
Prospa also offers small business loans up to $500,000 with daily or weekly repayments that tie in with cash flow cycle. They are designed to help existing businesses jump on opportunities to grow or to cover cash flow fluctuations
Soda: Seed Grants
Seed grants for innovative ideas or start-up that needs funding to gain traction