Techweek 2023_Government start-up support

/ Events / 26 Apr 2023 / Katie Hickmer

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techweek gov

Scaling Up: We’re here to help

Curious how key Government entities work together to help support Aotearoa’s technology start-up ecosystem? We each have a role to play to help back Kiwi entrepreneurs and give their companies the greatest chance of success.

As part of Techweek 2023, we co-hosted a Government presentation and panel session to help you understand;

  • Why we exist
  • What we do to support you
  • When to reach out to us, and
  • How to connect with us

Callaghan Innovation, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) and NZ Growth Capital Partners (NZGCP).

Session moderated by Graeme Muller, CEO of NZTech

View the content shared: 

Presentation deck

Callaghan Innovation:
Presentation deck

Presentation deck

View the Techweek TV session here

IMG 1941

Key take aways from the session were;

  • All of the Government agencies involved in New Zealand's start-up sector are conscious of how hard it is for founders to navigate the system. We are all committed to making that simpler and more efficient, and are genuinely here to help!
  • Capability gaps that our agencies are currently seeing and are seeking to fill are;
    • Commercialisation - strengthening the outputs beyond R&D,
    • Governance - implementing best practice and processes, and
    • Scaling for growth - having the skills and support to create a high-growth company
  • Each agency is eager to support technology companies that are focused on doing good for New Zealand's economy and people. The likes of clean-tech, deep-tech and agri-tech are key sectors, but we each have a 'generalist' approach as to which companies can be supported
  • Support we provide for founders includes;
    • NZGCP - is predominantly investment and filing the capability gaps
    • NZTE - is to help grow companies internationally; bigger, better, faster, and for the good of New Zealand
    • Callaghan is to connect, upskill, solve, fund and help with growth
  • Majority of the support from each of our Government agencies is FREE - we strongly encourage entrepreneurs to connect with us along their journey as we are committed to developing and backing Kiwi companies that can create technology for a better tomorrow
  • We do not work separately to each other, often a founder will connect with all three of us at different touch points - and we encourage this crossover and connection
  • Connecting with us is being simplified;
    • at NZGCP, you can contact anyone within our team directly via our website where you'll find our emails and LinkedIn profiles
    • Callaghan have 'navigators' in over 30 regions for you to connect with via their website customer support page, and
    • NZTE's first point of contact is myNZTE where you can create your profile to start self-serving the content/support you need and/or direct with the investment team via


Thank you to Ella ReshefShannon Thomas and our CEO Rob Everett for partaking in this panel and to Graeme Muller of NZTech for facilitating the conversations.

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